Monday, April 26, 2010

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." ~ John Quincy Adams

HOLY MACARONI!! The huge yard sale was a huge success!  The Frills team was able to make over $1100 this Saturday at the Second Annual Relay for Life Yard Sale.  We owe a big thank you to Ebenezer United Methodist Church for the use of their parking lot as this seemed to provide the perfect opportunity for all passers by to see what we were selling and lure them in.  We are also extremely grateful for all of those who donated items to be sold and/or stopped by just to offer words of encouragement.  THANK YOU BUNCHES!  The day started out very early and was a little soggy but this didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirits.  And in the end despite the 4:30am start, aching muscles and out of control organizing it was all more than worth it.  I didn't get to take many pictures because my camera died but here are a few...

dawn breaks and Jon helps out by serving breakfast (Bojangles); Patty and Chuck getting ready to 'man the fort.'

Sheri and Jeremy finishing the organizing of it all and start the selling early...

Chuck helps this wonderful yard sale patron affix his newly purchased jeep to the back of his Saturn.  We all prayed that he and the jeep actually made it to Kings Mountain in one piece!

Thanks everyone for everything that you did to make this yard sale a huge success!!
Please join us at the 26th Annual East Gaston Relay for Life on April 30th as we walk to raise awareness of ovarian cancer and celebrate those of have fought their own battles with this disease (as well as the many other forms of cancer).

"Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be." ~ Karen Ravn

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

'The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

...and we are definately moving forward in our efforts to raise awareness and prepare for the 26th Annual Relay for Life!  On March 13th, circle #5 from First United Methodist Church in Stanley put together a quilt show and bake sale to benefit the Frills for Teal team.  These ladies worked hard to put together their annual quilt show where quilts up to 100 years old were on display (in addition to a few pretty tasty goodies).   Everyone was invited to vote on their favorites and the blue ribbon was awarded to a quilt that depicted each state as well as it's capital, bird and flower.  Wow!  What hard work!  We are extremely grateful for all of their hard work as they raised and donated close to $300 to Relay for Life.  Here are a few pics for those of you who missed it!                                                                                               
In addition, the Frills team would like to also thank Aubrey Quinlin for all of her hard work in putting together the Tastefully Simple fundraiser!  The Frills for Teal team is currently gathering anything and everything for our Frills Yard Sale.  This will be our last fundraiser prior to Relay for Life.  Come one, come all - we have a little bit of everything...from children's clothing and toys to anything you could possibly need for your kitchen!!  We will be excited to see you all there (and if you bring us a biscuit or a doughnut there could possibly be a discount in it for you!!).  
If you can't make it to the yard sale, be sure to stop by and visit our tent during Relay as we have a little something special planned that's sure to put everyone in the spirit for a good party!  In the meantime, if you're reading this and you haven't been personally thanked please take a moment to do something special for yourself as you and your efforts are truly appreciated!!    

'Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being.  Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.'  Thanks to all of you who continue to do this in the name of educating and raising awareness of ovarian cancer.