Monday, September 28, 2009

Second Annual Frills for Teal Fundraiser

The Second Annual Frills for Teal Fundraiser was held on Saturday, September 19th, 2009 at the US National Whitewater Center. Despite the weather, including torrential rain, 'Frills' family and friends enjoyed music, food and fun. A special thanks to Desmond Myers for braving the rain and possible electrocution to provide us with entertainment. Thank you as well to all of those who came out and shared a wet evening with us. You are greatly appreciated! All together we raised over $2,500 for several worthy causes, all while raising awareness of Ovarian Cancer. Please be on the lookout for more events as we are hoping to get the 'ball rolling' over the next year.

I like quotes (A LOT) so they will probably appear on this blog from time to time. Below I included a quote that I felt really spoke to the fight to raise awareness and educate people about Ovarian Cancer. With the conclusion of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, it will be important that we continue the march towards awareness.

Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence. – Lin Yutang