Thursday, October 22, 2009

Relay for Life here we come...

Okay, so we're off and running (I'm walking fast because if you know me, you know I don't run)...Relay for Life is April 30th and the Frills team is ready to put our best foot forward (no pun intended).  We have lots of plans for the next several months including a fishing tournament, a yard sale and maybe a Tastefully Simple get together where the proceeds will benefit the cause.  So, with that said, I found the following 'diddy' on the facebook page for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund and thought it really spoke to our purpose (there wasn't an author listed)...thanks all for your continued beliefs, efforts and enthusiasm towards raising awareness.

Never, in totality of me, can I describe her;
Her charisma, her essence;
Even ever existing beauty in words
and expressions of great poets, fail
to hold her effervescent charm…
Stellar, she stands; against all tides and ticks;
She ...fights the odds with all her might; Even the
tragic trying times are futile to dither her smile;
Her adoration, precious than the morning dew;
To be in love and to love; She radiates.
…Living life in pain,
yet she’s blissful when in rain;
Dreading death in grief,
but she nods with her belief;
Holding hourglass in disdain,
She hopes for her suffering to end in vain…
Never, in totality of me, can I
describe how much I owe to her;
May the light shine on her
brighter than ever; And forever;
May the angels be with her; By her side… Always.